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博碩士論文 etd-0527119-133950 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0527119-133950
消費者持續使用行動支付之意圖研究-以Apple Pay為例
Consumers' Intention to Continuous Use of Mobile Payment-A Case of Apple Pay
Year, semester
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行動支付、Apple Pay、滿意度、接受後持續使用模式、持續使用意圖
Satisfaction, Mobile Pay, Apple Pay, Continuous intention, Post-Acceptance Model
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5735 times, has been downloaded 246 times.
拜科技所賜,近年來,交易支付的方式越來越便利,從傳統的現金,到信用卡把紙幣虛擬化,如今行動支付的推出,更把金錢甚至信用卡再虛擬化於行動載具上,一股「嗶」風潮席捲全球,許多業者也紛紛跨足與行動支付業者合作,搶攻行動支付商機,不同的支付品牌逐漸推出,合作銀行與店家的增加也讓使用者取得相關資訊的管道越來越多,使得行動支付是具有高低轉換成本及高的選擇性,因此使用者之持續使用將會是行動支付成功的關鍵要素。然而,過去關於行動支付的研究文獻中,大部分是著重於探討行動支付的技術應用;以科技接受模式探討消費者行為,較缺乏探討使用者持續使用行為的相關議題,因此本研究希望以目前時下年輕人認為最新潮的行動支付工具-Apple Pay,期望找出影響消費者持續使用行動支付意圖之因素。
本研究以接受後持續使用模式為基礎理論,透過彙整過去相關的文獻後,建構出影響使用者持續使用行動支付-Apple Pay的研究模式,並搭配慣性、轉換成本等理論作為干擾變數,使用實證性、定量研究方法、樣本結構分析與迴歸分析來研究使用者持續使用Apple Pay之因素。本研究採網路問卷進行調查,蒐集受測的有效問卷總共為550份。
In recent years, the method of transaction payment has become more and more convenient. From traditional cash to credit card which virtualize the banknotes, the launch of mobile payment now re-virtualizes money and even credit cards on mobile phone. Many operators have also cooperated with mobile payment companies to seize opportunities for the huge business opportunities. Different payment brands have gradually introduced, and the increase in cooperative banks and stores have also made users gain access to relevant information that make the users have the high switch cost and the high selectivity to mobile payment, so the continuous use of the user will be a key factor in the success of the mobile payment. However, most of the research literature on mobile payment in the past focused on the application of technology for mobile payment and the discussion of consumer behavior by technology acceptance model that is less relevant to the users' continuous intention, so this study hopes to find the factors that affect consumers' intentions to continue using mobile payment by a case of Apple Pay which young people think that is the latest mobile payment.
Based on the theory of Post-Acceptance Model of IS Continuance, this study constructs a research model that affects users' intention to continuous use Apple Pay, and uses the theory of inertia and switch cost as moderator, using empirical evidence like quantitative research methods, sample structure analysis and regression analysis to study the factors of continuous use of Apple Pay. This study used the online questionnaire to conduct a survey by total of 550 valid questionnaires.
The study found that factors affecting user satisfaction include perceived usefulness and confirmation. The degree of confirmation is the most important factor affecting user satisfaction, and the perceived usefulness is second. The user's satisfaction and continuous use attitude play an influential variable in the intention of continuous use; and the switch cost has moderator effects between the continuous use attitudes and the continuous intention. According to the results, it recommended that mobile payment operators can increase the part of the user's recognition of cognitive performance, and increase the user's cost and inertia, such as: providing reward points, increasing the use of channels and stores, and considering the use situation of consumers, in order to give users a higher continuous intention.
目次 Table of Contents

論文審定書 i
誌 謝 ii
摘 要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖次 vi
表次 vii
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 5
第三節 研究流程 6
第四節 研究範圍與限制 7
第二章 文獻探討 8
第一節 行動支付及Apple Pay 8
第二節 接受後持續使用模式 15
第三節 持續使用態度 18
第四節 慣性 19
第五節 轉換成本 20
第三章 研究設計 22
第一節 研究結構 22
第二節 研究模式與假設 23
第三節 研究方法 30
第四章 實證分析 34
第一節 樣本資料分析 34
第二節 信度與效度分析 38
第三節 探討滿意度影響消費者持續使用Apple Pay意圖之因素 44
第四節 驗證滿意度與持續使用態度之中介效果 49
第五節 驗證慣性與轉換成本之干擾效果 52
第五章 結論與建議 59
第一節 研究結論 59
第二節 研究建議 64
第三節 管理意涵 67
參考文獻 69
附錄 73
參考文獻 References

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