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博碩士論文 etd-0526119-002002 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0526119-002002
The Intention of Investors to Use Robo-Advisors – The Moderating Effects of Disposable Income and Financial Knowledge
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Robo-Advisors, Disposable Income, Financial Knowledge, Structural Equation Modeling
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In the low-interest rates and low wages generation, coupled with the declining birthrate and population aging, people studying investment and wealth management for their retirement planning is an important course in their lifetime. People not only facing the fluctuations of various uncertain factors in the market but also overcoming human greed and fear and various incomprehensible professional financial terms, which are often negated and timid about investment and wealth management. However, high-tech and high transparency of information, easy to understandable and operational Robo-Advisors will appear. In the future, Robo-Advisors will play an important role in the investment and wealth management.
In this research, we focus on intention of Taiwan investors with investment experience to use Robo-Advisors. The research is based on the technology acceptance model, we can understand the influences of the investors on the perceived ease of use, the perceived usefulness, the attitude toward using and the behavioral intention to use. In addition, we use the attitude toward using and the intention of use after the disposable income and financial knowledge as moderators and discuss their interference effects upon the behavioral intention to use.
There are 355 valid questionnaires are collected and the hypotheses are tested by Structural Equation Modeling analysis. The result shows that perceived the ease of use of Robo-Advisors, perceived the usefulness of Robo-Advisors, and the attitude toward of user as an influential variable in the behavioral intention to use. The disposable income has only a regulating effect between attitude and intention, and the financial knowledge causes moderating effects between attitude and intention. Therefore, based on the result, it is recommended that bank’s should introduce relevant Robo-Advisors. For example, when investors use Robo-Advisors service, they will get free of charge or transaction fee discount. The bank's financial consultants belong to the high-finance knowledge personnel, so they can regard Robo-Advisors as auxiliary software. At this stage it is difficult to completely replace the financial consultants, because we must rely on high–tech development in the future. Therefore, the bank financial consultants do not have to be overly panic.
目次 Table of Contents
誌 謝...... ii
摘 要...... iii
目 錄...... v
圖 次...... vi
表 次...... vii
第一章 緒論......1
第一節 研究背景與動機......1
第二節 研究目的......2
第三節 研究流程......3
第四節 研究範圍與限制......4
第二章 文獻探討......5
第一節 理財機器人......5
第二節 科技接受模型......12
第三節 可支配所得......14
第四節 理財知識......16
第三章 研究設計......18
第一節 研究結構......18
第二節 研究模式與假設......19
第三節 研究變數操作型定義與量表......20
第四節 研究對象......23
第五節 資料分析方法......23
第四章 實證分析......25
第一節 樣本資料與變數分析......25
第二節 理財機器人易用性、有用性、使用態度對使用意圖之結構方程模型......35
第三節 可支配所得對使用態度與使用意圖之干擾效果......41
第四節 理財知識對使用態度與使用意圖之干擾效果......43
第五節 實證結果彙整......45
第五章 結論與建議......46
第一節 研究結論......46
第二節 研究建議......48
第三節 管理意涵......49
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