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論文名稱 Title |
競賽場上的策略行為 Strategic behavior in tournaments |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
40 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2015-06-18 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2015-06-24 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
競賽、球迷人數、球團利益、賄賂裁判、驚奇效果 tournament, number of fans, clubs’ benefits, bribing referees, surprising effect |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5746 次,被下載 41 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5746 times, has been downloaded 41 times. |
中文摘要 |
影響競賽結果的因素很多,本文將三個因素:球迷人數、球團利益、裁判效用,引入競賽的模型中。分析這三個因素與競賽結果的關聯性,再利用球團賄賂裁判的條件與範圍,討論參數的變化如何影響競賽結果,進一步列舉韓國賄賂裁判的例子,說明哪些情況下會助長不公平的競賽發生,須提前防範。本文發現球迷人數的多寡對球員努力程度的影響是不明確的,但如果將球員分成兩種類型:職業球員、業餘球員,可以發現業餘球員會產生驚奇效果,使自己在球場上的努力程度暴增。球員的表現與情緒也會影響球迷來看競賽的效用,當球員贏得競賽的成就感越大,球迷的效用越高,越想來看競賽。球團會因為想要贏得競賽,收到更多門票收入,而去賄賂裁判,提高其勝率。裁判會考慮自己的效用是增加還是減少,決定要不要接受球團賄賂。在球團賄賂、裁判接受的情況下,裁判幫球隊提高的勝率會有一個臨界值要去探討。 |
Abstract |
There are many factors which will affect tournament results. This article studies three of them to run the tournament model: number of fans, clubs’ benefits and the utility of referees. This paper analyzes how the parameters vary to affect the tournaments by studying the connections between these three factors and tournament results, and discussing what offers and targets clubs will take to bribe the referees. Furthermore, the paper takes Korea’s bribing case for example to explain under certain circumstances, the tournaments will go even more unfair in order to prevent it. We find that whether the number of fans will affect players’ performance is uncertain, however, if players are divided into two groups: the professionals and amateurs, larger audience can have surprising effect on the amateurs, as they are going to play much more harder on the fields. Also, players’ performance and emotions influence the utility of fans. The more sense of accomplishment players have, the more utility the fans will make. Therefore, fans will go watch tournaments more often. Clubs will bribe referees to improve their chance to win, hence they can get more ticket sales. And referees will decide to accept clubs’ bribe or not by considering their utility increases or decreases. Under the situation that referees take the bribe, the critical value of how referees can help to improve clubs’ winning percentage is discussed by this article. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..i 謝辭……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………ii 摘要…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….iii Abstract…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…iv 目錄……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..v 表目錄…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..………………….vi 圖目錄…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………………vii 第一章 緒論…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………1 第一節 研究動機與目的……………………………………………………………………………..……………1 第二節 研究方法與架構………………………………………………………………………………………..…2 第二章 文獻回顧………………………………………………………………………………………………………………3 第三章 模型分析………………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 第一節 模型假設………………………………………………………………………………………………………5 第二節 球迷人數對雙方球員努力程度之影響………………………..……...........................8 第三節 球員情緒對球迷效用之影響………..………………………….………………………………..12 第四節 球團與裁判之間的策略互動………………………………….……………..…………………..16 第四章 結論與建議………………………………………………………………………………………………………..28 第一節 結論……………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..28 第二節 未來研究建議與方向………………………………………………...…………….………………..29 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………31 |
參考文獻 References |
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