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博碩士論文 etd-0514119-144616 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0514119-144616
知識創造與人力資源管理間互動關係之探討: 以台灣製造業公司為例
Linking Knowledge Creation and Human Resource Management in Taiwan Manufacturing Industry
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
training course, compensation system, knowledge creation, human resource management, manufacturing industry
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A growing number of research have shown that we live in the society which is shifting to a “ knowledge society” and knowledge become more and more important in organizations. People start to think about innovation in organizations such as strategy or organization innovation and product innovation. People start to investigate how the organizations create their new knowledge and the knowledge creation process. Human resource management is also important to knowledge creation. Based on this perspective, we use interview of from manufacturing industry in Taiwan to explore the linkage between knowledge creation and human resource management.
In this research, we found that human resource management is highly related to knowledge creation especially for training system and compensation system and the corporations in our research will also use human resource management to encourage their employees to create knowledge.
目次 Table of Contents
Thesis Validation Letter.......i
Abstract (Chinese) ...... iii
Abstract (English) ...... iv
List of the figures......vii
List of the tables .......viii
CHAPTER I- Introduction ......1
CHAPTER II-Literature Review.....4
The knowledge-creating process......5
The SECI Model......6
Factors that form the knowledge-conversion......11
Human Resource Management......19
Human Resource Management and Knowledge Creation......22
CHAPTER III- Methodology......27
Research Design......31
Research Questions......32
Data Selection......33
Interview outline ......38
CHAPTER IV- Findings...... 42
CHAPTER V- Discussion......51
CHAPTER VI- Conclusion......63
Practical implications......67
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