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博碩士論文 etd-0513119-192450 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0513119-192450
Study on the Operational Model of Guangdong’s Government Guidance Fund of Emerging Industry
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Date of Exam
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Fiscal funds, Mode of operation, Guangdong economy, Government guidance funds, Emerging industries
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本論文共五章,第一章為前言,主要介紹本文的研究背景、動機、目的、框架及方法,總結了本次研究的背景及意義;第二章為新興產業政府引導基金概述及文獻回顧,界定了新興產業及新興產業政府引導基金的概念,探討廣東省新興產業政府引導基金設立及其運行模式的必要性及總結已有的國內外文獻,梳理與本文相關的理論基礎;第三章為廣東省經濟環境及新興產業發展現狀,介紹了目前廣東省的經濟、新興產業發展現狀,總結廣東省新興產業發展存在的問題,同時對政府引導基金加入的必要性進行分析;第四章為相關政府引導基金運行模式分析,主要介紹廣東省新興產業政府引導基金現況與運作模式,同時通過與以色列Yozma 基金與澳大利亞IIF基金對比,分析各個基金運作模式的異同,為廣東省新興產業政府引導基金提出建議;第五章為研究結論,總結全文的研究成果。
As an experimental field and pioneering area for China's reform and opening-up, Guangdong Province has achieved tremendous accomplishment after 40 years of economic development. As the frontier of China's reforming, the capacity of Guangdong's patent input and output has ranked ahead the country. During the development of new industries in Guangdong, new industrial forms and development models have emerged.
However, despite the current achievements from the emerging industries in Guangdong Province, most of their enterprises are in the preliminary stage, and they face problems such as financing difficulties etc. In this time, the Government Guidance Fund would support and thrive those emerging industries. In terms of Government Guidance Funds, Guangdong Province has also been at the advance, which is one of the provinces with development and operation. In order to amplify the effect of the Guangdong Provincial Emerging Industry Government Guidance Fund, and to promote the emerging industries in Guangdong Province as well as to demonstrate for other provincial government guidance funds, it is necessary to study, explore and improve its operation.
This essay consists of five chapters. The first chapter is the preface which mainly introduces the research background, motivation, purpose, framework and methods, summarizing the significance of this research. The next chapter is an overview of the guiding funds of emerging industries and the review of preliminary essays, by putting forward the definition of Government-guided Funds for emerging industries and emerging industries, and the necessity of the establishment and operation mode of the Government Guidance Funds for emerging industries in Guangdong Province, as well as the summary of the existing domestic and foreign literatures, by sorting out the theoretical basis related to this paper; Basing on the economic environment of Guangdong Province and the current status of emerging industries, the third chapter introduces the current economic and emerging industry development status of Guangdong Province, summarizes the problems existing in the development of emerging industries in Guangdong Province, and analyzes the necessity of Government Guidance Funds to join. The fourth chapter is the analysis of the operation mode of Relevant Government Guidance Fund, which mainly introduces the current situation and operation mode of the government guidance funds of emerging industries in Guangdong Province, and analyzes the similarities and differences of the operation modes of each fund by comparing with the Israeli Yozma fund and the Australian IIF fund, ending by guidance and recommendations for the government of emerging industries in Guangdong Province in the foreseeable future; The last chapter is the summary of the full essay and research results.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
圖 次 vii
表 次 viii
第一章 前言 1
1.1. 研究背景 1
1.2. 研究動機 2
1.3. 研究目的 3
1.4. 研究框架 3
1.5. 研究方法 4
第二章 新興產業政府引導基金概述及文獻回顧 5
2.1. 新興產業政府引導基金概述 5
2.1.1. 新興產業 5
2.1.2. 政府引導基金 8
2.2. 探討廣東省新興產業政府引導基金設立及其運行模式的必要性 8
2.2.1. 探討設立新興產業政府引導基金的必要性 8
2.2.2. 探討新興產業政府引導基金運行模式的必要性 11
2.3. 新興產業政府引導基金的文獻回顧 13
2.3.1. 國內外文獻 13
2.3.2. 研究綜述 16
第三章 廣東省經濟環境及新興產業政府引導基金發展現狀 17
3.1. 廣東省區域經濟及金融發展現狀 17
3.2. 廣東省新興產業的發展現狀 19
3.3. 廣東省新興產業發展存在的問題及政府引導基金加入的必要性 22
第四章 相關政府引導基金運行模式分析 27
4.1. 廣東省新興產業政府引導基金的運行模式 27
4.1.1. 廣東省新興產業政府引導基金基本情況 27
4.1.2. 廣東省新興產業政府引導基金運作分析 32
4.2. 以色列Yozma基金的運行模式 42
4.2.1. 以色列Yozma基金產生背景 42
4.2.2. Yozma基金運作分析 43
4.3. 澳大利亞IIF基金的運作模式 47
4.3.1. 澳大利亞IIF基金產生背景 47
4.3.2. IIF基金運作分析 47
4.4. 各基金對比總結與建議 50
4.4.1. 總結 50
4.4.2. 建議 55
第五章 研究結論 59
參考文獻 60
參考文獻 References
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