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Title page for etd-0512120-231412
Live-streaming Your Heart:The Effect of Live E-commerce on Consumer Engagement
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live e-commerce, identification, consumer engagement, fear of missing out, self-verification, parasocial relationships
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  The interactivity of live e-commerce brings greater marketing effect to stores and improves product conversion rate, but not every store can successfully obtain orders and communication benefits through this mode. This study will investigate the impact of live e-commerce on consumer engagement. An online questionnaire was used to investigate how parasocial relationships and self-verification of user experience affect consumer engagement through broadcaster identification, community identification and brand identification. In addition, fear of missing out is added as a moderator variable to explore its role in the context of live e-commerce. The results of this study found that parasocial relationships and self-verification generated by live e-commerce will positively affect the identification, and then have a transfer effect, further affecting consumer engagement. In addition, the parasocial relationships generated by people with high fear of missing out in live e-commerce will strengthen the influence of community identification on consumer engagement, and the self-verification generated in live e-commerce will strengthen the influence of broadcaster identification and community identification on consumer engagement. This study extends the social identity theory to the field of live e-commerce, and provides practical suggestions to stores who want to use live-streaming to improve the overall marketing effect.
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