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博碩士論文 etd-0501120-130049 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0501120-130049
Revisiting the CEO's Education Level and Their Abilities
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EMBA, MBA, Public University, CEOs’ Ability, CEOs’ Education
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This study examines whether the CEOs’ education level affects their abilities. We hand-collected CEOs’ education levels and types of their universities, and quantify their managerial abilities by ourselves. Our sample comprises 22,327 observations from publicly-traded Taiwanese companies from 1992 to 2017. The findings indicate that CEOs with higher education levels do not necessarily have better abilities. However, there is significant positive correlation between CEOs with a bachelor’s degree and CEOs’ abilities but not for other education levels. Moreover, CEOs who graduated from public universities, science and technology universities, and MBA and EMBA programs perform significantly better than others. Finally, the negative effect of CEOs’ education level on their abilities is more pronounced in unstable firms.
目次 Table of Contents
學位論文審定書 i
摘要 ii
Abstract iii
1. Introduction 1
2. Literature Review and Hypotheses 6
2.1. CEOs with higher education level have better abilities 7
2.2. CEOs with higher education level do not necessarily have better abilities 8
2.3. CEOs who attended public universities have better abilities than those who graduated from private and foreign universities 8
2.4. CEOs who graduated from science and technology universities perform better than those from general universities 10
2.5. CEOs with MBA degree have greater abilities than those with other master’s degrees 11
2.6. Graduates of EMBA programs have better managerial abilities than graduates of other master’s degrees 11
3. Methodology 12
3.1. Regression Model 12
4. Data 14
4.1. CEOs’ Ability 16
4.2. Education Level 18
4.3. Control Variables 18
4.4. Summary Statistics 20
5. Empirical Results 22
5.1. Univariate analysis of the CEOs’ education level and their abilities 22
5.2. Multivariate analysis of CEOs’ education on CEO’s abilities 24
5.3. The effect of different CEOs’ education level on abilities 25
5.4. The effect of the type of college on CEOs’ abilities 25
5.5. The effect of CEOs’ background on their abilities 26
5.6. The effect of CEOs’ education on their abilities considering different firm characteristics 28
6. Robustness Check 29
6.1. One period lag of education level 29
6.2. Endogeneity problem: Granger Causality 30
7. Conclusion 31
Reference 32
Appendix A 35
Appendix B 36
表 次
Table 1 Descriptive Statistics. 37
Table 2 Pearson’s Correlation Matrix. 38
Table 3 Median of CEOs’ Ability by Types. 39
Table 4 CEOs’ Ability and Control Variables: Multivariate Analysis. 40
Table 5 CEOs’ Ability and within Each Educational Level: Multivariate Analysis. 41
Table 6 CEOs’ Ability and University Types: Multivariate Analysis. 42
Table 7 CEOs’ Ability and Their Major Backgrounds: Multivariate Analysis. 44
Table 8 CEOs’ Ability and The Firms’ Characteristics: Multivariate Analysis. 45
Table 9 Robustness: CEOs’ Ability and Lag One Period of Edu 46
Table 10 Robustness: Granger Causality 47
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