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博碩士論文 etd-0428115-172118 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0428115-172118
A Study of Properties Improvement of Waste Tire Rubber Powder Applied to Basic Oxygen Furnace Slag Pervious Concrete
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Date of Exam
Date of Submission
expansion, waste tire rubber powder, pervious concrete, BOF slag
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5727 times, has been downloaded 220 times.
With the development of industrial technology, industrial waste production is also increasing, such as Blast Oxygen Furnace (BOF) Slag and waste tires. BOF slag is the by-product of steel manufacture, it can not be applied to the engineering due to expansion. And waste tires are the waste generated by the automobile industry. Waste recycling is an important research direction because of rising environmental awareness.
In this study, use BOF slag as coarse aggregate instead of the general rock in the pervious concrete, then added waste tire rubber powder which cut into fine powder by water jet technology. Expect to take advantage of the elastic of rubber powder to reduce damage due to expansion, so that the BOF slag pervious concrete can maintain certain water permeability and compressive strength after the expansion.
The results indicated that when using BOF slag as coarse aggregate in pervious concrete, its unit weight would be larger than pervious concrete with general aggregate. And although it’s porosity would reduce duo to expansion, it does not affect the water permeability as long as the porosity of initial design is large enough. And the compressive strength of BOF slag pervious concrete test specimen without waste tire rubber powder would reduce at curing period of 28 days, but there is no such phenomenon while adding waste tire rubber powder to the test specimen.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 x
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機 1
1.2 研究目標與方法 2
1.3 本文架構 3
第二章 理論背景說明 5
2.1 透水混凝土 5
2.1.1 透水混凝土的應用 6
2.1.2 透水混凝土特性 6
2.2 波特蘭水泥 8
2.2.1水泥的製造與組成成分 8
2.2.2水泥中各物質的水化反應 8
2.2.3水泥水化產物對水泥砂漿之影響 11
2.2.4 水泥砂漿之孔隙結構 12
2.2.5 水泥砂漿微觀結構理論模式 14
2.3 轉爐石 15
2.3.1 製程概述 15
2.3.2 物理性質 15
2.3.3 化學性質 16
2.3.4 國內轉爐石之資源化利用 18
2.3.5 國外轉爐石之資源化利用 18
2.4廢輪胎橡膠粉 20
2.4.1 廢輪胎的組成與製程 20
2.4.2 廢輪胎的成份與性質 20
2.4.3 廢輪胎在自然界中對環境的影響 21
2.4.4 國內外廢輪胎之研究情況 23
2.4.5 廢輪胎橡膠與水泥沙漿界面微觀 25
第三章 研究方法與步驟 36
3.1 試驗參數 36
3.2 配比設計 38
3.3 試驗材料 38
3.4 試驗項目與方法 39
3.4.1 試體製作 39
3.4.2 粗骨材回脹試驗 39
3.4.3 單位重試驗 40
3.4.4 孔隙率試驗 41
3.4.5 透水係數試驗 41
3.4.6 抗壓強度試驗 42
3.4.7 劈裂強度試驗 42
第四章 結果與討論 53
4.1 回脹試驗結果 53
4.2 單位重試驗結果 53
4.3 孔隙率試驗結果 54
4.4 透水係數試驗結果 55
4.5 抗壓強度試驗結果 55
4.6 劈裂強度試驗結果 57
4.7 綜合結果比較 57
4.7.1 連通孔隙率-透水係數分析 57
4.7.2總孔隙率-抗壓強度分析 57
4.7.3 抗壓強度-劈裂強度分析 58
第五章 結論與建議 76
5.1 結論 76
5.2 建議 78
參考文獻 79
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