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博碩士論文 etd-0427119-215918 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0427119-215918
The Co-movements Impact of Economic Policy on International Stock Markets: The Case Study of “One Belt One Road”
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dynamic condition correlation, co-movement, One Belt One Road
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This study explores the “One Belt One Road” initiative proposed by the Chinese government in 2013 for the co-movements of stock market between participating countries and China. We focus on 21 participating countries and use the dynamic condition correlation model (DCC) that allows the presence of dynamic correlation coefficient. Therefore, it is good fit for the real international financial market to measure the stock co-movements. Moreover, the international financial market is becoming more integrated. Under different international communication mechanisms, there is an international spillover effect between international stock markets. The influence will be different depending on the degree of economic development and the exchange rate regime. According to the empirical results, we find that the “One Belt One Road” initiative policy increase the co-movements between the most participating countries and China. The degree of the influence will be different due to the opening of the free trade agreement and the degree of economic development. We find that South Korea and Singapore have higher co-movements because they have higher degree of free trade linkage with China. We also find that countries with lower economic development have lower co-movements with China's stock market.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書... i

摘要... ii

Abstract iii

目錄... iv

圖次... vi

表次... vii

第一章 緒論... 1

第一節 研究動機... 1

第二節 研究架構... 5

第二章 文獻回顧... 6

第一節 經濟政策對國際股市的影響... 6

第二節 一帶一路... 9

第三節 共動性... 11

第三章 研究方法與模型建立... 14

第一節 分析國家與樣本來源... 14

第二節 動態條件相關係數模型(Dynamic Conditional Correlation) 15

第四章 實證結果... 21

第一節 敘述性統計與ARCH效應檢定... 22

第二節 結構性檢定... 26

第三節 股市共動性分析... 28

第五章 結論與貢獻... 34

第一節 結論... 34

第二節 研究貢獻... 35

第三節 未來研究方向... 35

參考文獻... 36
參考文獻 References




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