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How Are Patch Reefs Formed in the Lagoon of Dongsha Atoll?
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U-Th dating, Bathymetric Lidar, patch reef, lagoon, Dongsha Atoll
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1842 年Darwin提出環礁出是由海底火山噴發後周圍有珊瑚入添成長,火山沉降而珊瑚持續生長造成環狀的礁台,並沒有提到塊礁的形成模式。塊礁是環礁潟湖內特有的地貌,在東沙環礁中有數千個塊礁分布在潟湖內,直徑最長可達約600 m,本研究利用測深光達水深資料將塊礁分類為平頂塊礁與尖頂塊礁,並對於環礁潟湖內的塊礁是如何形成提出兩個假說,分別是喀斯特地形 (Karst topography) 假說;與珊瑚生長假說。其中建立在珊瑚生長假說上又再分出:海水面變動假說、海浪搬動假說,兩種外力影響。本研究結果中尖頂礁頂部的活珊瑚覆蓋率顯著高於周邊礁底,說明了尖頂礁頂部相較於周邊礁底,向上累積石灰岩的潛力較高。以測深光達水深資料在潟湖內繪製16x16網格 (256個樣點) ,在各個樣點系統性採樣平頂塊礁和它鄰近的尖頂塊礁地貌特徵,比較中發現,同一經度上平頂塊礁頂的平均深度,會隨東到西由淺至深;鄰近礁台的平頂塊礁礁頂,平均深度比較淺,顯示平頂礁的礁頂深度與所在區域相關,且深平頂塊礁 (-3 m~-6 m) 與淺平頂塊礁 (-1 m~-2 m) 兩群裡,礁頂表層中心鈾釷定年年紀變異度有顯著差異。平頂礁頂深度在-5 m的深平頂塊礁發現樹輪模式,該塊礁直徑100 m,以鑽取岩心的方式從塊礁表面的中心採樣到邊緣,鈾釷定年結果中塊礁表面中心年紀距今3413年,最邊緣年紀271年,年紀隨越接近邊緣遞減,推算平頂塊礁的水平擴張速率是1.68 cm/yr,最老的標本距今4256年,位在距離中心14 m的位置,顯示樹輪形態的樹心並不一定會是在塊礁正中央,像是樹輪的模式不支持喀斯特地形的假說。2017年的7個颱風監測結果中,靠近礁台的測站所測得相對波高最小,鄰近的平頂塊礁礁頂深度約-1 m;波高相對較大的測站,鄰近的平頂塊礁礁頂深度約-4 m,結果支持生長假說中的海浪搬動假說。
In 1842, Darwin proposed that a fringing coral reef surrounding a volcanic island as the island subsided, becoming an atoll, but he did not explain the development of patch reefs. Patch reefs are features of lagoons in atolls. In Dongsha Atoll, there are thousands of patch reefs up to a diameter of about 600 m as viewed by satellite pictures in the lagoon. By using Lidar, the bathymetric details are available, and they can be categorized into flat-top and pinnacle type patch reefs. Two hypotheses are proposed here to explain how patch reefs were formed. Hypothesis 1: Coral reefs grew as more and more reef coral clustered together; Hypothesis 2: Karst topography is a landscape formed from the dissolution of soluble rocks such as limestone. Based on the coral growth hypothesis, can be divided as: the seawater surface change hypothesis, the wave hypothesis. The coverage of the living coral over the top of pinnacles is significantly larger than that of the base coverage. This study draws a 16x16 grid with latitude and longitude lines for a total of 256 points. Lidar recorded various appearances on top of both the flat-top reef and the pinnacle reef near each point. The depth of the flat-top reefs near the back reef is about -1m. Comparison of the depth of the top with the age of the top of the flat-top patch reef. Significant difference, exists between the age of the tops at -1 m~-2 m deep and that at -3m~-6m deep. The core age of one of the oldest flat-top patch reefs, of which the diameter is 100 m and the depth of the top is -5 m, is 3413 years old, and the age of the periphery is 217 years old. The linear regression of the core ages from the center to the periphery is Significant difference. The tree ring pattern denies the Karst Hypothesis. The relative maximum wave heights of the 7 typhoons at each station in 2017. The maximum wave heights taken at the most eastern station near the reefs are relatively smaller. This is supported by the hypothesis of coral growth.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書…………………………………………………………………………… i
致謝…………………………………………………………………………...……… ii
中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………...… iii
英文摘要………………………………………………………………………..……. iv
目錄……………………………………………………………………………....…... v
圖目錄……………………………………………………………………………...… vi
表目錄…………………………………………………………………………….….. vii
附錄……………………………………………………………………………….….. vii
壹、前言……………………………………………………………………....……… 1
貳、材料方法……………………………………………………………....………… 6
參、結果…………………………………………………………………………...… 11
肆、討論……………………………………………………………………………... 14
參考文獻……………………………………………………………………………... 19
圖…………………………………………………………………………………...… 26
表………………………………………………………………………………...…… 47
附錄…………………………………………………………………………...……… 49
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