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博碩士論文 etd-0305117-135101 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0305117-135101
Effects of different diets on growth of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei.
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White shrimp, feed waste, live food, maggot, ammonia and nitrite
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In recent decades, the reputation of Taiwan as "The Kingdom Of Tiger Shrimp" has ceased to be existence; however, the demand of shrimps in the market is still high. Therefore, white shrimp has highly adapted to harsh environments and disease resistance better than tiger shrimp which has become the main species of shrimp farming in Taiwan. Unfortunately, in order to create the better profits, farming fishermen put the shrimp into super-intensive farming and a lot of feeds. This behavior makes the shrimp pool environment too crowded, and shrimp’s food remains in the water which pollutes the pool, and ultimately, causes the spread of shrimp disease. Those reactions affect the white shrimp production which is only about 10,000 tons in recent years of Taiwan, the overall output does not increase in the trend.
The aim of this study was to find out which feeds can avoid the most troublesome problem: feed waste. Thus making use of mackerel meat and fly larvae – maggots, to conduct the study. Maggots have a higher protein content than mackerel meat. The species growth rate of white shrimp fed maggots is 1.57. Which is better than shrimp fed mackerel meat and artificial feed (i.e. improving approximately 50% than others). The effect is improved about 50% than others. Simultaneously, we observed that, maggot could survive in salt water for a long time when they dropped into seawater. After ten days,the maggots survival rate is 75%. When the maggots we put into the shrimp pool, shrimps could take up all maggots with 3 hours usually. If maggots were remaining, live maggots will not release ammonia and nitrite. Thus, it was a great advantage to use maggots as live food for shrimps.

Key word: White shrimp, feed waste, live food, maggot.
目次 Table of Contents
論文公開授權書 ii
致謝 iii
摘要 iv
Abstract v
圖目錄 viii
表目錄 ix
第1章、前言 1
1-1海水養殖重要性 1
1-2台灣蝦類養殖之困境及現況 3
1-3微小藻類,綠藻與矽藻 6
1-4益生菌 (Probiotics) 9
1-5商用飼料的隱憂 11
1-6研究動機與目的 13
第2章、材料及方法 15
2-1實驗材料與成長計算 15
2-2實驗設定 16
2-2.1鹽度環境實驗設定 16
2-2.2綠藻、矽藻及益生菌之環境實驗設定 17
2-2.3不同餌料餵食實驗 17
2-2.4鯖魚肉餌料之製作與蛆蟲培養方式 18
2-2.5餌料與飼料對亞硝酸鹽釋放實驗 18
2-2.6鹽度對蛆存活率之影響 18
2-2.7統計分析 18
2-3養殖水質檢測 19
2-3.1氨-氮測定 19
2-3.2亞硝酸-氮濃度檢測 20
2-3.3葉綠素甲 (Chl - a) 檢測 21
2-3.4細菌計數方法 22
第3章、結果與討論 23
3-1白蝦在不同鹽度下成長結果 23
3-1.1白蝦成長結果與討論 23
3-1.2水質測量結果與討論 26
3-2 綠藻、矽藻及益生菌之環境白蝦成長與水質結果 30
3-2.1白蝦成長結果與討論 30
3-2.2水質測量結果與討論 34
3-3 不同餌料餵食白蝦之結果 40
3-3.1 不同餌料餵食比較 40
3-3.2餌料對於亞硝酸鹽之釋放 40
3-3.3鹽度對蛆存活率影響 40
3-3.4不同餌料餵食白蝦之討論 43
第4章、結論 45
參考文獻 46
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