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論文名稱 Title |
探討記者運用臉書和消息來源互動對工作的影響 The effects of journalists using Facebook as platforms with their sources |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
86 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2019-03-28 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2019-03-27 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
社會交換理論、消息來源、臉書、記者、互動 social exchange theory, sources, facebook, journalists, interact |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5805 次,被下載 127 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5805 times, has been downloaded 127 times. |
中文摘要 |
與消息來源互動是記者例行工作中,時時必須面對的課題,臉書介入媒體後,改變新聞產製常規,記者不得不使用臉書來因應時下採訪生態,並將現實生活中的人際網延伸到臉書上互動,臉書成為時下記者採訪「路線」之一,且是工作必須使用的工具。 本研究對五位報社女性記者、三位公部門新聞公關進行深度訪談,從社會交換理論視角進行探討,在受訪者陳述的實務經驗中交叉應證,初步描繪時下報社記者使用臉書和消息來源互動的工作樣貌,回應「記者運用臉書和消息來源互動對工作的影響」研究問題。 本研究歸納分析後將研究結果分類為對「個人」和「工作」兩個層面的影響,研究結果發現,記者使用臉書和消息來源互動對個人層面的影響有四點:(一)用臉書互動比沒用臉書時更易增進信賴感,助於工作業務達成。(二)養線和佈線方式從生活延伸到網路,但深入議題和敏感話題仍需面訪完成。(三) 臉友開始複雜後,記者使用臉書變得綁手綁腳。(四) 傾向使用原有私人帳號與消息來源互動,不另設工作帳號,但須慎言。 而記者使用臉書和消息來源互動對工作層面的影響有三點:(一) 互動中交換的資源在臉書出現前後並沒有改變,主要還是以取得新聞價值高的新聞線索為目標,但臉書介入後取得訊息更便捷。(二) 臉書是新聞路線且成「新聞媒體的媒體」,稀釋過去公眾人物對記者的依賴。(三) 點閱率成績效,新聞價值判斷隨之起舞,記者著力點失衡,工作本末倒置。 本研究認為,臉書介入新聞產製常規後,「用與不用」臉書已經不是記者可以自由選擇的,記者工作必須使用臉書,但關鍵在於「如何使用」。不須另外設臉書工作帳號和消息來源互動,但應在「真誠」的互動原則下,慎言或適時地將臉書發文設置觀看權限保護自己,在臉友族群複雜且逐漸成為職場公領域的情況下,明哲保身還是必要的。 |
Abstract |
Basically, interacting with their sources is journalist’s routine work. Facebook has changed the original news production process. In order to adopt with this new news approach, journalists are forced to use Facebook as a platform with their sources and to extend their network to this social media. Facebook has become one of the must-use tools during the content gathering process. This study is based on the in-depth interviews with five female newspaper reporters and three public servants who is responsible for media relations. With their practical experience sharing and analysis from the perspective of social exchange theory , describing the work of reporters using Facebook and sources of interaction. Responding to the research question "The effects of journalists using Facebook as platforms with their sources". The study result can be classified into two levels, “Individual" and "Work". The result shows that the journalist who uses Facebook and source interaction will affect Individual in four ways: 1. It is easier to increase sense of trust and achieve the work by using Facebook. 2. Source interaction can be extended from life to the Internet but some in-depth issues and sensitive topics still need to rely on the interview. 3. When friends on Facebook become more complicated, the reporter who uses Facebook will have more restrictions. 4. Journalists who tend to use single Facebook account and source interaction rather than setting a separate account for work will have to pay more attention on their speech. On the other hand, the journalist who uses Facebook will affect Work in three ways:1.The appearance of Facebook does not affect the source interaction a lot since the goal of journalist is obtaining the high-value news. However, the exist of Facebook does help the things become easier and more convenient of getting the information. 2. Facebook has become a new social media and also reduced the public figures’ dependence on the reporters. 3. The click rate becomes the index of work performance and it does seriously affect the true value of news. Reporters have also lost the balance between those two things. To conclude, “use or not to use Facebook” is no longer an option for reports after Facebook gets into the media/news industry. Being a journalist, they have to use Facebook for work. Therefore, the key point will be “How to use” the Facebook. Journalists don’t have to set a separate account for Facebook or Source interaction but journalists should sincerely interact with others on Facebooks, pay more attention on the speech and appropriately set the permission on review and comment for self-protection. Under the circumstance that Facebook becomes more complicated and open, self-protection is necessary for all journalists. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iv 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與背景 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 研究問題 5 第二章 文獻探討 6 第一節 消息來源互動模式 6 第二節 新科技對新聞產製帶來的影響 12 第三節 「社會交換理論」(Social Exchange Theory) 17 第三章 研究方法 23 第一節 深度訪談 23 第二節 研究對象 23 第三節 執行程序 29 第四節 訪談大綱 30 第四章 資料分析與討論 34 第一節 記者運用臉書和消息來源互動後的關係變化 34 第二節 臉書對記者採訪常規的衝擊 36 第三節 臉書對記者蒐集新聞線索帶來的影響 41 第五章 研究結論與建議 62 第一節 研究發現與討論 62 第二節 研究貢獻 68 第三節 研究限制與建議 69 參考文獻 71 中文部分 71 英文部分 74 |
參考文獻 References |
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