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Title page for etd-0209117-111823
Taxonomic Revision and Molecular Identification of Thalassoma (Pisces:Labridae) in Taiwan
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Identification key, Taxonomic revision, Thalassoma, Mitochondrial DNA, Primer design, Molecular phylogenetic
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錦魚屬 (Thalassoma)魚類為隆頭魚科 (Labridae)的一屬,全世界已知有28種,在台灣有9種,分別為鈍頭錦魚 (T. amblycephalum)、環帶錦魚 (T. cupido)、哈氏錦魚 (T. hardwicke)、詹氏錦魚 (T. jansenii)、新月錦魚 (T. lunare)、胸斑錦魚 (T. lutescens)、紫錦魚 (T. purpureum)、五帶錦魚 (T. quinquevittatum)及三葉錦魚 (T. trilobatum),由於其幼魚、雌魚和雄魚在不同的發育階段會出現相異的體色模式與形態,在過去常被當成不同的種類。儘管如此,目前台灣錦魚屬魚類仍未有任何針對不同階段形態與體色變化詳細描述的文獻,因此本研究目的為釐清台灣產9種錦魚屬魚類之幼魚、初始型及終端型的分類狀態,進行文獻回顧與標本檢視,提出一個包含各種類不同發育階段的檢索表,並設計引子,進行分子鑑定。本研究檢視台灣各標本館標本,進行鰭條及鱗片之計數,並測量32項外部形質,使用軟體PRIMER 7進行統計分析,繪製主成分分析及群集分析圖探討種內及種間差異;另一方面,利用粒線體DNA的 COI、12S rRNA、16S rRNA及Cyt b基因進行種別鑑定,藉由NCBI中的database進行Blast比對結果,並使用軟體MEGA 7建構親緣關係樹。結果顯示台灣產九種錦魚屬魚類的鑑定符合原始文獻的描述,在幼魚、初始型及終端型間,外部形態之顏色圖案上具有差異,而部分物種之成魚之尾鰭上下尾葉延長成新月型。但透過測量形質數據進行主成份分析,種間及種內並無顯著分群現象,計數形質部分種間差異小,因此由外部形質無法區分9種不同物種,僅能透過描述形態與顏色圖案鑑種。分子生物學方面,以雜斑盔魚及半帶海豬魚為外群所建構親緣關係樹,部分紫錦魚和三葉錦魚被分在同一分支中,哈氏錦魚與五帶錦魚較詹氏錦魚近,與Bernardi等人 (2004)親緣關係樹結果不同。另外,利用本研究設計粒線體DNA基因的引子進行兩次PCR,可由電泳膠圖成功鑑定7個物種,台灣產紫錦魚及三葉錦魚則無法區分。因此,透過本研究對錦魚屬形態描述檢索表及設計引子能提供未來錦魚屬研究上鑑種之依據。
Thalassoma is a genus of the Labridae, amounting to a total of 28 species. Nine species of Thalassoma are distributed in Taiwan, including T. amblycephalum, T. cupido, T. hardwicke, T. jansenii, T. lunare, T. lutescens, T. purpureum, T. quinquevittatum, and T. trilobatum. Sub-adults, adult females and males of some Thalassoma species exhibit completely different colorations and color patterns, which may result in misidentifications, erroneously considering different developmental stages as different species. However, in Taiwan, there is no study focusing on the taxonomic review concerning developmental change in the colorations and color pattern of these species. The purpose of this study is to clarify the taxonomic status of nine Thalassoma species, offer a key concerning developmental stages and provide primer sets for molecular identification. Specimens in each museum in Taiwan were examined thirty two morphometric measurements and meristic counts were recorded. Primer 7 Software is used to conduct principal component analysis (PCA) and cluster analysis. Designated primers are employed to sequence COI, 12S rRNA, 16S rRNA and cytochrome b genes. Phylogenetic trees were reconstructed using MEGA 7 software. Specimen examinations confirm the morphology of these Thalassoma species meet the original descriptions. However, PCA analysis shows no significant grouping among the nine species based on morphometric and meristic traits. Therefore , it’s not possible to distinguish these nine species by morphological character. On the other hand, prominent colorations and color patterns are good diagnostics. A key mostly based on colorations and color patterns to the nine Thalassoma species and their developmental stages are provided. The phylogenetic trees rooted by Halichoeres semicinctus and Coris julis show nine Thalassoma species are monophyletic, and the designated primers can successfully determine all species except for T. purpureum and T. trilobatum by gel electrophoresis. These two species are unable to be distinguished because they share mixed haplotypes in all MT genes. Mixed haplotypes may be due to hybridization, and this would need further study to confirm.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
中文摘要 iii
英文摘要 iv
目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
壹、前言 1
貳、材料與方法 6
肆、結論 46
參考文獻 47
表 54
圖 62
附錄 87
附圖 95
參考文獻 References
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