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博碩士論文 etd-0206119-200207 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0206119-200207
Encounter Happiness :Effects Of Happiness Types In Spokesperson Advertising
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happiness, physical attractiveness, product type, schema theory, purchase intentions
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本研究採用2(幸福感類型:平靜 vs. 興奮)x2(代言人外表吸引力:高vs. 中)x2(產品類型:功能型 vs. 享樂型)之三因子受測者間實驗設計,來檢測幸福感訴求類型的效果,分析結果顯示:廣告中訴求興奮型幸福,相較於平靜型,可以帶來較佳的廣告效果,而幸福感類型的作用會受代言人外表吸引力、產品類型所干擾,若是享樂型產品廣告中結合高吸引力代言人,則適合訴求興奮型幸福,若是功能型產品廣告中結合中吸引力代言人,則適合訴求平靜型幸福。研究結果能為「幸福感類型」、「代言人外表吸引力」、「基模理論」等研究領域,提供理論貢獻,及提供業者在選用幸福感類型廣告訴求時,選用代言人與產品搭配之實務參考建議。
"Happiness" is a kind of life meaning pursued by many people. In the atmosphere of Taiwan's advertising appeal theme, the advertising atmosphere brought into happiness is already a common operation method of marketing. Many advertisements that appeal to happiness will use the spokesperson, and this method is also seen in a variety of product advertisements. Whether the spokesperson's physical attractiveness plays a role in affecting the effects of happiness-appeal advertising, and which types of happiness should be used to increase consumers' intentions to purchase different types of products is under-researched.
After reviewing the relevant literature in the past, the researcher found that there is no relevant literature on the combination of "happiness type" and "spokesperson physical attractiveness". Since both are common design elements in advertising, in-depth discussion and related research have their own importance. The main purpose of this study is to explore the match-up effect of the type of happiness appealed in advertising and the spokesperson's attractiveness on affecting consumer purchase intentions, and examine the moderation of product types.
This study uses 2 (happiness type: calm vs. excited) x2 (spokesperson physical attractiveness: high vs. moderate) x2 (product type: utilitarian vs. hedonic) three-factor, between-subject experimental design to test the effect of happiness-appeal types. The analytical results show that the appeal of excited-happiness in advertising, compared with calm-happiness, generates better advertising effects, and the happiness type effect is moderated by spokesperson attractiveness and product type. For an advertisement of a hedonic product with a high-attractive spokesperson, it is more suitable to appeal to excited-happiness. If an utilitarian product advertisement uses a moderately-attractive spokesperson, it is more suitable to appeal to calm-happiness. The research results provides theoretical contributions to the research fields such as "happiness type", "spokesperson physical attractiveness" and "schema theory", and provides practical suggestions on how to match-up the use of spokespersons and products when selecting the types of happiness for advertisement appeal.

Keywords: happiness, physical attractiveness, product type, schema theory, purchase intentions
目次 Table of Contents
誌謝 -------------------------------------------------ii
摘要 ----------------------------------------------------iii
第一章 緒論----------------------------------------------------1
第一節 研究背景---------------------------------------------1
第二節 研究動機---------------------------------------------4
第三節 研究問題--------------------------------------------7
第四節 研究目的--------------------------------------------8
第五節 研究範圍--------------------------------------------8
第二章 文獻探討-------------------------------------------10
第一節 幸福感類型-----------------------------------------10
第二節 產品類型--------------------------------------------16
第三節 基模理論與適配性假說--------------------------------18
第四節 廣告代言人的外表吸引力----------------------------------22
第五節 購買意願--------------------------------------------25
第三章 研究架構與研究假說--------------------------------------------28
第一節 研究架構---------------------------------------------28
第二節 研究假說---------------------------------------------29
第四章  實驗設計法--------------------------------------------40
第一節 研究方法---------------------------------------------40
一、 樣本與實驗設計---------------------------------------------40
二、 實驗刺激與前測---------------------------------------------41
三、 實驗程序---------------------------------------------55
第二節 分析結果---------------------------------------------59
一、 研究樣本敘述性統計分析-------------------------------------------59
二、 變數平均值、標準差及量表信度分析-----------------------------------61
三、 操弄性鑑定、控制變數檢定-----------------------------------62
四、 假說驗證-----------------------------------------67
第五章 結論與建議--------------------------------------------84
第一節 主要研究發現---------------------------------------------84
第二節 理論意涵---------------------------------------------90
第三節 實務建議---------------------------------------------93
第四節 研究限制與未來的研究方向-------------------------------------96
一、 研究限制---------------------------------------------96
二、 未來研究方向---------------------------------------------97
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黃秀麗 (2017年6月16日)。TOYOTA我的幸福里程樹。自立晚報。取自:我的幸福里程樹-榮獲成功廣告影片-150101112.html
AdRev for Rights Holder, AdRev for a 3rd Party (代表Cavendish Music (Imagem - Cavendish)) 。2017年11月21日。聶雲《我的幸福里程樹》| 和泰汽車 X TOYOTA 溫情鉅獻 2017。取自:
AdRev Masters Admin (代表KPM - Main Series); APM (Publishing)與 1 個音樂版權協會。2009年10月17日。信義房屋 信任帶來新幸福。取自:
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