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博碩士論文 etd-0125120-132259 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0125120-132259
Understanding the driving factor of retract intention in Facebook online streaming transaction
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online Live streaming, Facebook, continuance commitment, affective commitment, organization commitment, normative commitment
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臉書直播拍賣不同於傳統電子商務的經營模式,直播拍賣的銷售較為即時性,隨著直播拍賣的興起,臉書直播購物下單後未依約定完成結單而產生棄單的問題,也逐漸受到經營業者與供應商的重視。過往研究多以直播平台、直播主、直播內容三個面向探討直播觀看使用意圖與下標購買意圖,並未探討直播購物下單後的棄單行為,因此本研究將進一步討論棄單與後續衍生的問題,並將直播下單視為一種承諾,以承諾理論,了解影響三種承諾因子前置變項與承諾撤回的影響。進而降低顧客的棄單意圖,希望能解決經營業者實務上的困擾。研究發現顧客會因(1)喪失權益而正向影響延續性承諾;(2)交易規則明確度與社會影響力會正向影響規範性承諾;(3) 平台參與度與直播主熟悉度會正向影響情感性承諾;(4)延續性承諾與規範性承諾會進而反向影響棄單意圖。
Since Facebook launched live streaming function in 2016, Facebook live streaming platform has sprung up. Facebook provides a wealth of social interaction functions, which attract users who are willing to spend time watching live streaming and then generate subsequent orders and other consumer behaviors. It has become one of the important sales channels for the retailers in recent years.
Facebook live streaming auction is different from the traditional e-commerce business platform. The live auction allows more direct interaction. However, one of the main issues that e-retailers concern is non-paying orders. Previous studies on live streaming focused on the intention of watching live streaming video and the intention of putting in a bid. In this study, live ordering behavior is regarded as a commitment, and we explore the relationship between the intention of non-paying orders and
commitments, including "affective commitment ", "continuance commitment "and "normative commitment" in the theory of organizational commitment. The results were verified by partial least squares PLS as follows.

1."Lost benefit " has a positive impact on the live streaming "Continuance Commitment"
2."Communication" and "Social Influence " have a positive impact on the live streaming "Normative Commitment ".
3. "Continuance Commitment " and "Normative Commitment " have a negative impact on the live streaming " Retract Intention ".
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ........................................................................................................ i
中文摘要 .......................................................................................................... ii
ABSTRACT ......................................................................................................iii
目錄 ................................................................................................................... v
圖次................................................................................................................ vii
表次 ................................................................................................................... viii
第一章 緒論......................................................................................................1
1.1 研究背景...............................................................................................1
1.2 研究動機...............................................................................................2
1.3 研究問題與目的..................................................................................3
1.4 研究流程...............................................................................................4
第二章 文獻探討..............................................................................................5
2.1 網路直播(ONLINE LIVE STREAMING).....................................................5
2.2 組織承諾理論 ....................................................................................16
第三章 研究方法............................................................................................21
3.1 研究架構.............................................................................................22
3.2 研究推論與假說................................................................................22
3.3 研究構面的定義與衡量 ...................................................................26
第四章 資料分析............................................................................................31
4.1 研究樣本的特性................................................................................31
4.2 信度、效度分析................................................................................39
4.3 模型路徑分析與驗證 .......................................................................46
第五章 結論與建議........................................................................................50
5.1 研究結果及討論................................................................................50
5.2 管理實務意涵.......................................................................................52
5.3 研究限制與未來建議 ..........................................................................52
參考文獻 .......................................................................................................... 54
中文文獻 .......................................................................................................54
英文文獻 .......................................................................................................57
附錄 ................................................................................................................... 60
附錄一 研究問卷.........................................................................................60
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