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博碩士論文 etd-0121118-144324 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0121118-144324
The study of particle accumulation in sea anemones of coastal waters in Taiwan
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Black carbon, Histology, Sea anemone, Kueishantao Islet
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海葵為沿海潮間帶常見之底棲無脊椎動物,其繁盛的族群,在岩岸及養殖環境,甚至淺海熱泉皆可發現。回顧龜山島淺海熱泉環境中海葵組織形態相關研究,描述了該地區淺海熱泉周邊之襟疣海葵Anthopleura sp.及等指海葵Actinia equina海葵,於組織內發現可能為碳之黑色顆粒沉積。本研究延續龜山島海葵組織內顆粒沉積的議題,針對臺灣本島及離島沿岸之海葵進行調查,結果顯示臺灣周邊沿岸海葵體內黑色顆粒沉積為一普遍存在之現象,但有地區性差異存在,且含共生藻與否會影響顆粒物之累積量。對龜山島襟疣海葵體內的黑色顆粒物進行成分分析,發現其成分包含碳元素,且其含量高於其他元素。餵食實驗結果顯示餵食黑碳顆粒需伴隨食物顆粒才有主動攝食之行為表現。
Sea anemones are common benthic invertebrate in intertidal zone. They are prosperous on rocky shore, aquaculture environments, even in shallow water hydrothermal vents. The accumulation of black carbon particles of sea anemones Anthopleura sp. and Actinia equina in the shallow water hydrothermal vents off Kueishantao Islet has been described in 2015. In this study, this we continued on this issue and investigated coastal waters in Taiwan and offshore islands. A survey shows that the deposition of black particles in sea anemones around Taiwan is a common phenomenon, but there are regional differences, and with or without symbiotic algae will affect the cumulative amount of particles. The composition analysis of black particles in Anthopleura sp. from Kueishantao Islet showed that the composition of the black tissue contains carbon and its content is higher than other elements. The results of feeding experiments showed that the feeding behavior of black carbon particles should be accompanied by food.
目次 Table of Contents

論文審定書 i
論文公開授權書 ii
謝辭 iii
中文摘要 iv
英文摘要 v
目錄 vi
表目錄 vii
圖目錄 viii
壹、前言 1
貳、材料方法 6
參、結果 13
肆、討論 20
伍、結論 27
陸、參考文獻 28
參考文獻 References
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