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Title page for etd-0115117-165904
Distribution and Transporting Fluxes of Trace Metals (Cu, Cd, Ni, Mn, Fe, Zn) in the Taiwan Strait
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Transportation, Trace metals, Taiwan Strait, Flux, Coastal water, HYCOM, Mixing
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本研究 利用共三個跨台灣海峽航次、總計五條測線採集並 測量 台灣海峽 海 水表及垂直方向上,溶解態顆粒微量金屬 (銅、鎘鎳錳鐵鋅 )濃 度在 不同季節及 南北 空間的 變化 ,藉由 表水平均金屬濃度的計算, 可以知道台 灣海峽金屬濃度是否會受到陸源物質輸入的 季節 性變化影響, 2014年 3月和 9月分別為台灣海峽兩側陸地當時的乾季及濕,與金屬濃度比值別為 1.79、0.83、1.14、2.35、0.42、0.32,表示銅、 鎘、 鎳錳、 鐵、鋅的表 水平均濃度 會受到陸源物質 輸入 的乾濕季變化 影響 ; 再計算 測線上的 平均金屬 濃度, 發現 濕季與乾的 銅、 鎘、鎳錳鋅比值為 1.01、0.99、0.91、0.79、 0.73,顯示 陸源物質輸入的季節性變化並沒有反映在台灣海峽平均銅、 鎘鎳濃度上 ,台灣海峽水的銅、鎘鎳濃度不受陸源物質輸入 的季節性變化 影 響。由 金屬濃度與鹽的相關性分析可以 知道銅、鎘鎳分布主要受混合作用 所控制,而錳、鐵鋅則可能還受到其他來源或生地化作用的影響。 為了瞭解 金屬在台灣海峽傳輸的季節及南北空間上變化,本研究 利用 HYCOM同化資料 模式擬台灣海峽的流速 ,結合實測金屬濃度資料,果顯示 台灣海峽流場的 季節性變化 影響 海水流量 ,並進一步改變金屬的傳輸通,9月份流量相對 3月減少 40%,而 濕季的 金屬通量則相對 乾季 減少約 54%~79%。本研究還利用 本研究還利用 銅、鎘鎳 濃度 與鹽的迴歸方程式 ,結合 HYCOM模擬的鹽度 ,估算銅、 鎘、鎳在春秋兩季的平均通量。
海水中總顆粒態金屬在台灣沿岸及國近測站均有高值出現,反映陸源 輸入對海水中總顆粒態金屬分布的貢獻 ; 在季節變化方面,濕時高逕流量輸 出的高懸浮顆粒濃度 控制了水中態金屬; 顆粒上的銅、錳鐵鋅 濃度也有季節性變化,銅、錳鐵分別在濕時減少了 34%、26%、15%,鋅則增加 58%,可能是河川的 高逕流量導致礦物性顆粒輸出增加,使上金屬濃度分布產生變化 。
Water samples from transects in the Taiwan Strait were collected, and particulate and dissolved trace metals(Cu, Cd, Ni, Mn, Fe, Zn) determined, in order to investigate their spatial and temporal variability. Results showed that Cu, Cd, Ni, Mn, Fe, Zn in surface waters had temporal variability, but the concentrations of Cu, Cd, Ni on each transect did not show significant seasonal variation. In this study, Cu, Cd, Ni, Zn concentrations in surface waters were higher in the northern Taiwan Strait than in the south.
In order to understand trace metals transportation inside the Taiwan Strait, trace metal fluxes on different cruises were estimated from trace metal results and current velocity provided by HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model(HYCOM). It is shown that metals fluxes are influenced by the seasonal variation of water fluxes. Water flux and trace metal fluxes are larger in March 2014 than in September 2014, water flux of the Taiwan Strait current in September 2014 was 40% lower than in March 2014, metals fluxes in September 2014 is approximately 54%~79% less than in March 2014. Since dissolved Cu, Cd, Ni were linearly correlated with salinity, therefore, it is possible to estimate fluxes of these metals in the Spring and the Fall seasons by applying the metal concentration vs. salinity relationship and combining the data with seasonal average current velocity. Seasonal flux of Cu is 2.45 mole/s in the spring and 1.65 mole/s in the autumn; Cd is 0.0579 mole/s in the spring and 0.0322 mole/s in the autumn, and Ni is 5.03 mole/s in the spring and 3.32 mole/s in the autumn. The variation of seasonal trace metal fluxes turns out to be dependent upon the modeled water fluxes, which is higher in spring and lower in autumn.
High particulate trace metal concentrations were found in Taiwan coastal and China coastal waters, corresponding to the relative large contribution of terrestrial substances. High river run-offs during wet seasons supplied more suspended particulate matter (SPM) and resulted in relatively high particulate trace metal concentrations. High river discharges resulted in higher terrestrial particles inputs, and led to the variation of composition of metals on particles.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 ................................ ................................ ................................ .................... i
論文公開授權書 ................................ ................................ ................................ ........... ii
致謝 ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. iii
摘要 ................................ ................................ ................................ .............................. iv
Abstract ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... vi
目錄 ................................ ................................ ................................ ............................ viii
圖目錄 ................................ ................................ ................................ ........................... x
表目錄 ................................ ................................ ................................ ......................... xii
第一章 前言 ................................ ................................ ................................ ....... 1
1.1 近岸海水中的微量金屬 ................................ ................................ ........ 1
1.1.1 來源 ................................ ................................ ................................ 1
1.1.2 影響微量金屬在近岸海水分布的因素 ................................ ........ 2
1.2 研究區域 ................................ ................................ ................................ 3
1.2.1 台灣海峽內物質的傳輸作用 ................................ ........................ 6
1.3 研究目的 ................................ ................................ ................................ 7
第二章 材料與方法 ................................ ................................ ......................... 10
2.1 採樣位置 ................................ ................................ .............................. 10
2.2 採樣方法 ................................ ................................ .............................. 13
2.2.1 採樣器材準備 ................................ ................................ .............. 13
2.2.2 採樣方法 ................................ ................................ ...................... 14
2.3 實驗與分析方法 ................................ ................................ .................. 15
2.3.1 分析項目 ................................ ................................ ...................... 15
2.3.2 分析方法 ................................ ................................ ...................... 15
2.3.3 微量金屬濃度測定 ................................ ................................ ...... 18
2.4 通量計算 ................................ ................................ .............................. 21
2.4.1 HYCOM介紹 ................................ ................................ .............. 21
2.4.2 通量計算方式 ................................ ................................ .............. 22
2.5 測線上的平均金屬濃度計算 ................................ .............................. 25
2.6 風速資料處理 ................................ ................................ ...................... 25
第三章 結果 ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 26
3.1 水文化學參數 ................................ ................................ ...................... 26
3.1.1 溫度 、鹽................................ ................................ .................. 26
3.1.2 懸浮顆粒濃度 ................................ ................................ .............. 29
3.1.3 營養鹽 ................................ ................................ .......................... 30
3.2 溶解態微量 金屬的分布、作用及通................................ .............. 41
3.2.1 影響微量金屬在台灣海峽內分布的因素 ................................ .. 41
3.2.2 2006年台灣海峽表水微量金屬分佈 ................................ ......... 46
3.2.3 台灣海峽微量 金屬傳輸通................................ ...................... 48
3.2.4 銅、鎘鎳的季通量變化估算 ................................ .................. 50
3.3 顆粒態微量金屬 ................................ ................................ .................. 72
3.3.1 海水中的顆粒態金屬濃度 ................................ .......................... 72
3.3.2 懸浮顆粒上的金屬濃度 ................................ .............................. 73
3.3.3 微量金屬的分布係數 ................................ ................................ .. 76
第四章 結論 ................................ ................................ ................................ ..... 87
第五章 參考文獻 ................................ ................................ ............................. 89
附錄 I三航次台灣海峽風速圖 三航次台灣海峽風速圖 ................................ ................................ .................. 96
附錄 II 採樣詳細資料 ................................ ................................ ................................ 98
附錄 III HYCOM估算三個月內海峽流量變化 估算三個月內海峽流量變化 ................................ ...................... 128
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