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博碩士論文 etd-0114119-155407 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0114119-155407
不同商品屬性對推薦系統適配性之研究 — 以Instacart零售商為例
Research on the Adaptability of Different Commodity Attributes to Recommendation System Algorithms — A Case of Instacart Company
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
Targeting Advertisement, Product Category, Recommendation System, Push Notification Backlash, Algorithms, Consumer Duration
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5774 times, has been downloaded 101 times.
The purpose of the essay is to introduce how a retailer can win in the fierce competition when virtual channels are gradually popular among consumers' shopping habits and the market share of virtual channels becomes greater than before. This research also provides the retailer who needs to find guidelines for its virtual channel construction in order to complement their mature offline channels into a new selling model.

With the view of the success of the virtual channel, managers must increase the amount of time that consumers spend on the website as well as reverse thinking which can reduce consumers' search cost on product pages. Managers can also combine both of the methods to accurately recommend the products that consumers don’t know they want to buy. Regarding the commodities that consumers want to buy, but they have not bought yet, the basic way for a company to profits is from differentiating the products. As for increasing the time that consumers spend on virtual channels, it is proved that personalized market can make it possible. On the other hand, it is able to promote consumers’ first impressions of the channel and the brand with positive stimulus while avoiding the risk of a consumer rebound, and thereby enhancing loyalty and reducing the sense of rejection.

Subsequently, this research obtains consumers' online transaction records through Instacart and groups the commodities that consumers had bought. The first group includes necessities, non-essential commodities that provides consumers additional utilities and products with specific purposes or used in special occasions. The second are the search products, experienced products and trusted products. In this part, we will construct a recommendation system and try different algorithms to testify them. This grouping method of commodities is a relatively simple way for businesses, and also an actual use for them to start an initial classification of their own products. Adapting the results of the essay, the managers will be able to achieve differentiation with competitors, and to increase a higher success rate and decrease the probability of customers' dislike when promoting products with appropriate recommendation system algorithms to increase the accuracy.
目次 Table of Contents

第一章 緒論 10
第一節 研究背景與動機 10
第二節 研究目的 12
第三節 研究流程 14
第二章 文獻探討 15
第一節 推薦系統 15
1-1協同過濾推薦系統(Collaborative filtering recommender systems) 16
1-1-1記憶與模型基礎推薦系統(Memory & Model-based recommender systems) 17
1-1-2使用者基礎協同過濾推薦系統(User-based collaborative filtering recommender systems) 18
1-1-3項目基礎協同過濾推薦系統(Item-based collaborative filtering recommender systems) 20
1-2內容基礎分析推薦系統(Content-Based recommender systems) 23
1-3知識基礎分析推薦系統(Knowledge-based recommender systems) 24
1-4混合式推薦系統(Hybrid recommender systems) 24
1-5關聯規則推薦系統(Association Rules recommender systems) 25
第二節 線上行銷(Online Marketing) 27
2-1顧客停留(Consumer Duration) 27
2-2推播反彈(Push Notification Backlash) 30
2-3針對式廣告(Targeting Advertisement) 34
第三節 產品類別(Product Category) 37
3-1 產品知識(Product knowledge) 37
3-2 必需品、非必需品與特殊品 (Necessity、Non-necessity and Speciality goods) 39
3-3 搜尋品、經驗品與信任品 (Search、Experience and Credence goods) 41
第三章 研究設計 45
第一節 研究方法 推薦演算法(Recommender Algorithms) 45
1-1推薦演算法(Recommender Algorithms)之意義與用途 45
1-2推薦演算法(Recommender Algorithms)之種類 46
1-3推薦演算法(Recommender Algorithms)於本研究之適用性 46
第二節 研究個案 47
1-1個案介紹 47
1-2個案線上通路介紹 48
第三節 研究資料 61
3-1資料介紹 61
3-2資料處理 62
3-3推薦系統模型建置 70
第四章 研究結果 73
第一節 必需品、非必需品與特殊品 (Necessity、Non-necessity and Speciality goods) 73
1-1必需品(Necessity goods) 73
1-2非必需品(Non-necessity goods) 74
1-3特殊品(Speciality goods) 75
1-4 小結 76
第二節 搜尋品、經驗品與信任品 (Search、Experience and Credence goods) 77
2-1搜尋品(Search goods) 77
2-2經驗品(Experience goods) 78
2-3信任品(Credence goods) 79
2-4 小結 80
第五章 結論與建議 82
第一節 研究結論與建議 82
第二節 研究貢獻 83
第三節 研究限制與未來發展 84
參考文獻 87
推薦系統 87
網路消費者行為 89
產品類別 90
網路資料 91
參考文獻 References

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