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博碩士論文 etd-0111119-222705 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0111119-222705
零售業顧客價值管理之研究 - 以 M 公司會員資料庫為例
A Study of Customer Value Management in Retail Industry- A Case Study of Membership Database in Company M
Year, semester
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CLV, RFM model, NES model, Customer relationship management, Customer value management
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顧客是企業可以長久經營下去主要的關鍵,因此對於企業而言顧客是無形的資產,顧客的價值不只侷限於每次的交易當中帶給企業的利潤,而是未來與顧客的關係當中企業能得到的總利潤 (V Kumar & George, 2007)。現今因為大數據的崛起「精準行銷」已經不再是難事,透過數據資料庫的分析與探勘可以精準了解顧客的消費行為以了解單一顧客對於企業的價值,進而使企業的利潤極大化。
本研究將資料處理技術套用在台灣的歷史悠久的零售業當中協助之有效的管理顧客,收集、整理M公司的會員以及交易資料進行後,使用RFM模型與NES模型分析出不同的客群,將顧客分為新顧客、主力顧客與沈睡顧客,觀察顧客在不同時間的流向後,利用顧客的終身價值 (CLV) 和折扣敏感度進行沉睡顧客之喚醒策略建議,最後利用預測模型優化企業之行銷工具的使用與提出保留顧客的戰略執行方案,讓企業針對適當的顧客進行保留、降低行銷成本。
Customers are essential for enterprises to have long-term operation. Therefore, customers are regarded as intangible asset. The value of customers is not limited to the profit brought in each transaction, but total profit that can get from the relationship with customers in future. (V Kumar & George, 2007) Nowadays, because of the rise of big data, “precision marketing" is no longer difficult. Through the analysis and exploration of the data database, enterprises can accurately understand every single customer's consumption behavior as to maximize the profits of enterprises.
To assist long-established company to manage customers in a more effective method, we apply data processing technology to the retail industry in Taiwan. In this research, RFM models and NES models are used to analyze profiles of members and transaction data as to further segment customers into different groups, which are new customers, main customers and sleep customers. After observing customer flow in different time, we use the customer lifetime value (CLV) and discount sensitivity to make strategy suggestions, and propose a customer retention plan. It is a plan that uses predictive models to optimize marketing tools for enterprises to retain right customers and reduce marketing costs.
In this research, we analyze practical customer data of one retail sale in non-specialized store on the basis of academic theories. Finding out the key customers who can make the company profitable, we provide analytic and operational methods which are suitable for enterprises to apply in their marketing strategies.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的 3
第二章 文獻探討 4
第一節 顧客關係管理 4
第二節 顧客分群 7
第三節 折扣效果 9
第三章 研究方法 11
第一節 研究流程 11
第二節 研究方法 12
第四章 個案分析 15
第一節 個案背景 15
第二節 資料原型 15
第三節 基本資料分析 16
第四節 篩選變數 19
第五節 顧客分群 19
第六節 策略建議 30
第五章 結論 52
第一節 研究結論 52
第二節 研究貢獻 54
第三節 研究限制與未來發展 55

參考文獻 57
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