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Title page for etd-0106120-220341
Exploring the Relationship Between Reasons for Career Plateauing and Subjective Career Success: A Leader-Member Exchange Perspective
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Time Theft, Leader-Member Exchange, Turnover Intention, Career Plateauing, Subjective Career Success
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本研究探討職涯停滯成因對於員工離職傾向、主觀職涯成功及時間竊盜行為的影響,並檢驗領導者-部屬交換關係(LMX)是否對上述變項之間的關係,具有調節效果。本研究以兩個時間點之線上問卷進行資料收集,共獲得150份有效之全職員工樣本。路徑分析結果發現:(1) 階層停滯外部成因與主觀職涯成功 (認同、工作意義) 具有顯著正向關聯性;(2) 工作內容停滯外部成因對於離職傾向、主觀職涯成功 (職涯滿意) 及時間竊盜行為具有顯著正向關聯性,對於主觀職涯成功 (認同、影響,個人生活) 具有顯著負向關聯性;(3) 階層停滯內部成因對於離職傾向具有顯著負向關聯性,對於主觀職涯成功 (影響、真實性) 則具有顯著正向關聯性;(4) 工作內容停滯內部成因對於離職傾向、主觀職涯成功 (職涯滿意) 具有顯著正向關聯性。調節效果之分析顯示,LMX會改變:(1) 工作內容停滯外部成因與主觀職涯成功 (影響、真實性) 的關係;(2) 階層停滯內部成因與離職傾向、主觀職涯成功 (成長與發展) 的關係;(3) 工作內容停滯內部成因與主觀職涯成功 (認同、工作品質、工作意義、影響、真實性、成長與發展、職涯滿意) 的關係。最後本研究也討論研究限制,並提出相關實務管理意涵與未來研究建議。
This study aims to explore the impacts of reasons for career plateauing on turnover intention, subjective career success, and time theft. Drawing on the perspective of the Leader-Member Exchange Theory (LMX), the current study suggests the effects of career plateauing reasons depend on the quality of LMX. The study was based on a two-wave online survey of 150 employed adults. Path analysis results showed that: (1) the external reason for hierarchical plateauing significantly negatively related to subjective career success (recognition, meaningful work); (2) the external reason for job content plateauing significantly positively related to turnover, subjective career success (satisfaction) and time theft, and its significantly negatively related to subjective career success (recognition, influence, personal life); (3) the internal reason for hierarchical plateauing significantly negatively related to turnover, but significantly positively related to subjective career success (influence and authenticity); (4) the internal reason for job content plateauing significantly positively related to turnover, subjective career success (satisfaction). In addition, LMX was found to have a moderation effect on (1) the relationship between external reason for job content plateauing and subjective career success (influence and authenticity); (2) the relationship between internal reason for hierarchical plateauing and turnover, subjective career success (growth and development); (3) the relationship between internal reason for job content plateauing and subjective career success (recognition, quality work, meaningful work, influence, authenticity, growth and development and satisfaction). Practical implications, research limitations of the findings and future research suggestions are discussed.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論 1
第二章 文獻探討 6
職涯停滯 6
職涯停滯的歸因觀點 8
職涯停滯之成因與離職傾向的關聯性 10
主觀職涯成功(Subjective Career Success,簡稱SCS) 13
職涯停滯之外部成因與主觀職涯成功的關聯性 14
職涯停滯之內部成因與主觀職涯成功的關聯性 16
職涯停滯之成因與時間竊盜的關聯性 18
領導者-部屬交換的調節效果 20
領導者-部屬交換理論(Leader-member exchange theory, LMX) 20
LMX對職涯停滯成因與離職傾向的調節效果 22
LMX對於職涯停滯外部成因與主觀職涯成功的調節效果 23
LMX對於職涯停滯內部成因與主觀職涯成功的調節效果 26
LMX對於職涯停滯成因與時間竊盜的調節效果 29
研究架構 31
第三章 研究方法 32
施測程序 32
研究樣本 33
研究工具 35
分析方法 39
第四章 研究結果 40
變數間之敘述統計及相關性分析 40
職涯停滯成因之路徑分析 44
加入交互作用之調節效果分析 46
第五章 討論與建議 64
研究發現與討論 64
管理實務意涵 70
研究限制與未來研究建議 73
參考文獻 75
附錄 86
參考文獻 References
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