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論文名稱 Title |
送你最後一程:禮儀師情緒勞動之內涵、及其前因、後果變數之質性研究 A Qualitative Study of the Contents, Antecedents, and Consequences of Funeral Director's Emotional Labor |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
52 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2020-01-17 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2020-02-05 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
臨終關懷、悲傷輔導、負向情緒、禮儀師、情緒勞動 Hospice, Grief Counseling, Negative Emotions, Mortician, Emotional Labor |
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本論文已被瀏覽 5830 次,被下載 0 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5830 times, has been downloaded 0 times. |
中文摘要 |
隨著政府明確規定「臨終關懷」、「悲傷輔導」為禮儀師的重要工作與業務範疇,禮儀師扮演的角色已不只是傳統的喪禮執事者,而是需要花更多時間扮演陪伴家屬以及協助家屬處理負向情緒的輔導者。因此,禮儀師在接案過程中,除了要對家屬展現友善溫暖的正向情緒外,更可能需要視狀況,表達悲傷等負向情緒。然而,過去未曾有系統性地研究檢視禮儀師情緒勞動策略的內涵、前因、後果及可能適用的情境,故本研究將以質性研究的方式,並以12位禮儀部門、禮儀師做為訪談對象,以初探禮儀師的情緒勞動歷程。 質性研究結果發現:(1)禮儀師的工作規則主要來自於師徒制的觀察與學習;(2)面對激動不理性、理性謹慎易溝通、不知所措、或是非常悲傷等不同的客戶類型,禮儀師會採用不同的回應策略與情緒調整方式;(3)禮儀師投入心力從事情緒勞動時,可能造成情緒失控、或難以抽離悲傷情緒等問題;(4)禮儀師會透過尋求同事支持、利用休閒或休假時間等方式調適情緒;(5)禮儀師易受情緒感染的程度、理性與工作/生活區隔傾向、自我監控特質與性別角色等,則會影響其情緒勞動的歷程與可能反應。 依據研究結果,本研究提出以下管理意涵:(1)在禮儀師訓練時,可指派專職教官,以傳承禮儀師工作經驗、提供禮儀師未來職涯方向;(2)在禮儀師訓練時可增加悲傷輔導情境演練,或利用正式/非正式管道,分享案例並鼓勵禮儀師相互分享願意傳承的文化;(3)提撥員工福利經費,補助員工身心抒壓活動或旅遊,並提供諮商管道並鼓勵禮儀師加入社團,建立支持性的同儕網絡;(4)建立禮儀師人格特質常模有助於徵才參考。本研究亦針對情緒勞動文獻之理論意涵詳加討論。 |
Abstract |
With the government’s explicit stipulation on “hospice care” and “grief counseling” as important tasks and business scope of morticians, a mortician no longer just plays the role of a traditional funeral director but the role of a counselor that spends time on companionship given to family members, assisting them in handling negative emotions. Therefore, during the case acceptance process, in addition to displaying friendly and warm positive emotions, the mortician also needs to express negative emotions when the circumstances arise. However, no systematic inspection of the connotation of a mortician’s emotional labor strategies, the antecedents, consequences and applicable situations has been done in previous studies. Hence, this study adopted qualitative research to explore the emotional labor process of morticians, with 12 funeral service department directors and morticians as interview respondents. The qualitative research results show: (1) The work rules of a mortician originate from apprenticeship-based observations and learning; (2) In the face of different customer types, including irrational, rational/cautious/easy to communicate, overwhelmed, extremely sad and so on, the mortician usually adopts various response strategies and emotional adjustment approaches; (3) When morticians endeavor for emotional labor, problems such as “out of control” or “unable to detach from sadness” may result; (4) The mortician adjusts his or her emotions by seeking the support of colleagues and making use of leisure time and days off from work; (5) The mortician’s degree of susceptibility to emotional contagion, rationality and work/life segmentation tendency, self-monitoring qualities and gender roles affect the mortician’s emotional labor process and possible reactions. Based on the research results, the following management implications are proposed: (1) During mortician training, full-time instructors may be assigned to pass on morticians’ work experiences and provide morticians with future career direction; (2) During mortician training, grief counseling situational exercises can be supplemented, while case sharing through formal/informal channels can be done to encourage morticians to share the “willingness to pass on” culture; (3) Staff welfare funds may be allocated to subsidize employees’ physical and mental stress relief activities or travel, provide counseling channels and encourage morticians to join the community, thereby establishing a supportive peer network; (4) Establish mortician personality trait norms to aid in recruiting talents. In this study, the theoretical implications of literature on emotional labor are also discussed in detail. |
目次 Table of Contents |
論文審定書i 摘要ii Abstractiii 目錄iv 圖次v 表次vi 第一章 緒論 1 第二章 文獻探討 5 第一節 禮儀師的角色定義 5 第二節 禮儀師的情緒勞動 7 第三節 情緒勞動者的人格特質影響情緒調節歷程 8 第四節 研究架構參考文獻 8 第三章 研究方法 10 第一節 研究設計 10 第二節 研究參與者 10 第三節 資料收集與分析 12 第四節 資料整理與分析 13 第五節 研究倫理相關議題 13 第四章 研究結果與討論 15 第一節 禮儀師工作規則與角色期待 15 第二節 客戶類型與其行為展現 17 第三節 禮儀師情緒勞動歷程 19 第四節 客戶對禮儀師情緒勞動之反應 25 第五節 禮儀師情緒勞動對身心的影響 27 第六節 禮儀師的自我調適方式 28 第七節 禮儀師個人特質扮演的角色 30 第五章 結論與建議 33 參考文獻 39 附錄一:研究知情同意書 43 圖次 圖1-1主軸編碼圖 15 表次 表 1-1預式參與者11 表1-2正式研究參與者簡介12 表1-3資料內容符號之意義13 |
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