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博碩士論文 etd-0024117-210441 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0024117-210441
A study on the modified Wells turbine for OWC wave energy converting system
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Renewable energy, Wells turbine, OWC, Oscillating eater Column Wave energy retrieval system
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The Oscillating Wave Column converter is a kind of new style breakwater design. Its function not only can protect the structure in the sea can also capture the wave energy. It converts the captured wave energy into air kinetic energy, and converted to electrical energy by the turbine system. This energy is inexhaustible green energy, with low cost, easy maintenance, and the function of defending the homeland, can be described as multiple purposes. The power generation system of Oscillating Wave Column converter is Wells turbine which has high starting wind speed and rotational speed threshold in the state of high-speed air flow. These two points make the Wells turbine in the state of low wave energy can not effectively rotate to maintain the operation of the generator ,and can not effectively capture more air speed energy in the state of high wave energy. In this paper, the design of six kinds of turbines, and the use of hydraulic model experiments to simulate the current situation of the waves to observe the turbine speed and power generation efficiency.
In this paper, we design six kinds of warrants system and 15 groups of wave conditions for the oscillating water column wave energy retrieval system. The influence of the dimensionless front aperture ratio on the reflectance, air velocity, internal wave height and energy extraction rate of the oscillating water column wave energy acquisition system is discussed. In terms of turbine design, different blade geometries have different rotational speeds at the same turbine blade cover rate, and asymmetric blade design will be faster than traditional symmetrical blades. In the same turbine blade geometric design, the cover rate of the greater the speed of its faster. The comparison between the rotational speed of the movable type turbine and the fixed type turbine shows that the fixed type turbine has a faster rotation speed. Experimental results show that the turbine blade design can effectively improve the turbine speed, thereby enhancing power generation efficiency and stability.
目次 Table of Contents
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
目錄 iv
圖次 vii
表次 xvii
符號說明 xviii
渦輪編號說明 xviii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 文獻回顧 2
1.2.1台灣海洋能發展狀況 2
1.2.2波浪擷取系統之種類及作用原理 3
1.2.3威爾斯渦輪之相關研究 4
1.3研究動機與目的 4
1.4本文架構 5
第二章 理論及設計 9
2.1有限翼展機翼理論 9
2.2流體力學白努利定律理論 11
2.3渦輪選用及介紹 12
2.4威爾斯渦輪模型設計 13
2.4.1 NACA0021數據文獻 13
2.4.2扇葉幾何選定 13
2.4.3 渦輪葉片面積之改變 14
2.4.4可動式渦輪設計 14
2.4.5各渦輪比較 15
2.5導流系統設計 15
2.6模型繪製與製作 16
第三章 水工模型實驗 31
3.1模型相似理論及縮尺 31
3.2震盪水柱波能擷取系統模型製作 32
3.3實驗儀器及設備 32
3.4實驗佈置 34
3.5實驗條件 34
3.6實驗模型參數 35
3.7實驗步驟 35
3.7.1波高量測 35
3.7.2氣流速度量測 36
3.7.3 無負載風扇轉素之量測 36
3.7.4有負載風扇轉速量測與電壓紀錄 36
第四章 水工結果分析與討論 45
4.1水工模型對於不同波浪條件下之實驗結果比較 45
4.1.1流速度結果比較 45
4.1.2能量擷取率結果比較 45
4.2 威爾斯渦輪轉速實驗成果 46
4.2.1固定式負載渦輪扇葉幾何變化轉速測試 46
4.2.2固定式負載渦輪扇葉蓋口率變化轉速測試 46
4.2.3可動式負載渦輪扇葉蓋口率變化轉速測試 47
4.2.4可動式渦輪與固定式渦輪轉速比較 47
4.3威爾斯渦輪發電實驗成果 47
4.2.1固定式負載渦輪扇葉幾何變化發電測試 47
4.3.2固定式負載渦輪扇葉蓋口率變化電壓測試 48
4.3.3可動式負載渦輪扇葉蓋口率變化電壓測試 48
4.3.4可動式渦輪與固定式渦輪電壓比較 49
第五章 結論與建議 74
5.1結論 74
5.2建議 75
參考文獻 76
附件A 氣流速度圖 79
附件B 渦輪轉速 85
附件C電壓圖 106
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