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博碩士論文 etd-0020120-200746 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0020120-200746
餐飲業顧客保留策略之研究 - 以 T 公司為例
A Study on Customer Retention Strategy in Restaurant Service Industry - The Case of Company T
Year, semester
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Advisory Committee
Date of Exam
Date of Submission
STP Analysis, Service profit chain, Customer retention, Experience marketing, Customer relation management
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The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5725 times, has been downloaded 9 times.
  本研究採個案研究法,透過深度訪談法分析獲取初級資料,檢視 T 公司的內部組織及顧客忠誠計畫;再者,輔以異業企業的體驗行銷策略分析,加以整理與歸納,作為本研究的體驗策略參考依據。最後透過 STP 分析鎖定目標客群及 T 公司的品牌定位,制定出具體餐飲業顧客保留策略方案。
  本研究以服務利潤鏈為基礎,透過體驗行銷設計顧客保留策略,同時根據服務缺口模型,檢視 T 公司的服務缺口,為企業內部進行服務品質管理。本研究期望透過體驗行銷,強化顧客的消費體驗,進而使顧客產生對 T 公司忠誠度,進而達到顧客保留之目的。
 These days, the competition in the restaurant service industry has become fierce. Most of the restaurants have established membership systems and issuing coupons for customers for customer retention purpose. While most of the restaurants have adopted similar measures, customers have no incentives for repeat purchases. At the same time, most of the restaurants do not have the support from group company. With relatively scarce resources to leverage, it is difficult for restaurants to compete with chain brands.
 The study adopts the method of case study, obtains primary data through in-depth interview with the owner of company T, and examines the internal organization structure and existed customer loyalty program. Furthermore, the study analyzes the experience marketing strategies of the company in hotel industry as secondary data. Last but not least, STP analysis is used to select the target audience and positioning of Company T for developing customer retention strategy.
 The research is based on the service profit chain, designing customer retention strategies through experience marketing, and examining the service gap of the Company T based on the service gap model. The study hopes to build customer loyalty and further achieve the purpose of customer retention by strengthening the customer's experience through experience marketing.
目次 Table of Contents
第一章 緒論......................................................................5
 第一節 研究背景與動機...............................................5
 第二節 研究目的...........................................................6
 第三節 研究流程...........................................................7
第二章 文獻探討...............................................................8
 第一節 顧客關係管理....................................................8
 第二節 服務利潤鏈......................................................14
 第三節 體驗行銷..........................................................16
 第四節 顧客決策之影響力來源...................................21
 第五節 服務缺口模型..................................................22
 第六節 人物誌..............................................................24
 第七節 承億文旅體驗行銷案例分析............................26
第三章 研究方法..............................................................28
 第一節 個案研究法......................................................28
 第二節 研究個案選擇...................................................29
 第三節 訪談架構..........................................................30
第四章 個案分析..............................................................32
 第一節 個案企業分析...................................................32
 第二節 現有顧客忠誠計劃............................................41
 第三節 公司制度與員工分析........................................42
第五章 顧客保留策略.......................................................45
 第一節 內部顧客管理...................................................45
 第二節 外部顧客保留...................................................49
 第三節 體驗矩陣與規劃...............................................55
第六章 研究結論與限制...................................................59
 第一節 研究結論...........................................................59
 第二節 研究限制...........................................................60

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