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博碩士論文 etd-0006120-164427 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0006120-164427
The impact of language style on consumers reactions to online travel reviews: The Moderation of personality trait and temporal distance
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eWOM, travel intention, construal-level theory, construal-level theory, language style, locus of control, online reviews
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In recent years, self-guided tour has become more and more popular, it has surpassed group tour for the first time in 2017. And with this change of tourism pattern, people tend to do researches on traveling and tourism website for information in advance on their own. Many tourism websites provide “top comments”, some traveling agencies will take these comments and put them into their advertisements. They can improve sales by emphasizing these convincing words.
There are about 4,000 travel agencies in Taiwan today, and the market is fiercely competitive, which leads to the result of having very similar, or even the same propositions and attractions. Therefore, how to design tourism products has always been the issue. But in fact, we can attract consumers of different characteristics, by differencing the presentations. Therefore, this study intends to explore the influence of message, temporal distance, personality traits on consumers' word-of-mouth attitude and willingness to travel through the "interpretation level theory".
The results show that the use of figurative language in online travel reviews gives a better word-of-mouth attitude and willingness to travel. When the departure date for the travel is still in distant, the figurative language of online travel reviews, compared to the literal language, will produce a better word-of-mouth attitude. The influence of figurative language on consumer attitude will be enhanced for those people with external control.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
壹、 緒論 1
一、 研究背景與動機 1
二、 研究目的 5
三、 研究問題 7
貳、 文獻回顧 8
一、 消費者行為與旅遊網站資訊 8
二、 語言風格相關研究 12
三、 內外控人格特質 16
四、 解釋水平理論 18
參、 研究架構與假說推論 22
一、 研究架構 22
二、 假說推論 22
肆、 實驗 27
一、 研究方法 27
二、 資料分析 40
三、 假說驗證 48
伍、 結論與建議 62
一、 研究發現與討論 62
二、 理論意涵 66
三、 實務意涵 68
四、 研究限制與未來研究方向 70
參考文獻 71
附錄 80
參考文獻 References
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