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論文名稱 Title |
工業用電腦品牌經營策略之研究—以研華科技為例 The Business Strategy of Industrial Personal Computer Brands-A Case Study of Advantech |
系所名稱 Department |
畢業學年期 Year, semester |
語文別 Language |
學位類別 Degree |
頁數 Number of pages |
83 |
研究生 Author |
指導教授 Advisor |
召集委員 Convenor |
口試委員 Advisory Committee |
口試日期 Date of Exam |
2018-07-10 |
繳交日期 Date of Submission |
2018-07-03 |
關鍵字 Keywords |
競爭優勢、品牌權益、品牌策略分析、研華科技、台灣工業用電腦 Industrial computer, Advantech, Brand strategic analysis, Brand equity, Competitive advantage |
統計 Statistics |
本論文已被瀏覽 5740 次,被下載 2 次 The thesis/dissertation has been browsed 5740 times, has been downloaded 2 times. |
中文摘要 |
在物聯網快速發展下產業應用範圍擴大,工業電腦的前景也被看好。研華 目前在全球工業電腦下的市佔率為29%,為工業電腦市場為領導者。在台灣當 年以代工為主情勢下,毅然決然的發展品牌,更在2017 年被Interbrand 評為台 灣國際品牌的第六名。研華發展至今,品牌經營的關鍵因素、在產業環境中的 競爭地位、優勢與資源是否有別於其他競爭者,為本研究想要探討的目的。 本研究針對台灣工業電腦現況進行競爭環境分析,以了解研華科技在該產 業之競爭地位,並藉由資源基礎觀點、策略定位、品牌權益、鑽石體系、競爭 優勢與SWOT 分析對研華科技進行分析,得出品牌關鍵因素與所面對所處外在 環境之未來機會與威脅。並整理出在台灣工業電腦產業、台灣品牌發展上需要 政府推動之處。研究結果可從以下三方面描述: 一、 研華科技品牌經營成功要素 1. 清楚的市場定位 2. 完善的品牌策略 3. 快速回應市場變化 4. 在地化管理 5. 打造品質認知 6. 擁有自己的配送體系 7. 規模經濟與客製化需求同時滿足 8. 重視創新能力與產品研發 二、 研華科技未來的機會與威脅 物聯網的快速發展帶動工業電腦整體產業成長;然而工業電腦企業間開 始進行整併與策略聯盟以面對未來發展,在業務重疊性提高的情況下, 將導致產業競爭程度提高。 三、 政府須正視產業發展與推動品牌發展 政府須持續推動產業扶持方案,打下未來工業電腦需求的基礎並推動台 灣整體品牌發展。 |
Abstract |
Taiwan has always been known as the ODM/OMS for the past 3 decades. However, Advantech, a corporation of industrial computer which is founded in 1983, decided to be OBM since it started and now it is ranked number 6 in Taiwanese Major International Brand. The purpose of this research us to know the key factors of running a brand, the competitive situation in IPC industry, strengths and resources of being different from other competitors. The research uses lots of theories and tools to analyze the case, Advantech, such as Resources Based Views, Strategic Positioning, Brand Equity, Diamond system, Competitive Advantages and SWOT, which concludes the key factors of running a brand, and what it is going to face in the future. At last, the research also provides the advices for Advantech, and the government. The findings can be divided as three parts, which is showed below: A. Key Factors of Running a brand, a. Clear position b. Full brand strategy c. Responsiveness d. Localization Management e. Perceived quality f. Own distribution system g. Satisfy the needs of Economics of scale and customization h. Creativity i. Focus on research and development B. Opportunities and threatens of Advantech Because of the fast development of IoT, the raise of Industry4.0, Smart City and AI, IPC grows recently. However, the enterprises in this industry start to get merger and acquisition, and strategic alliance as well. In this case, according to the raise of overlapping the business scope, the degree of industrial competitiveness will enhance. C. The Government Should Provide the Help toward Branding and IoT The government should increase the budget for improving the efficiency of economics of scale of IoT, in order to grab the opportunity for industrial vi computer. In addition, the government can improve the international image of Taiwan by pushing the development of branding. |
目次 Table of Contents |
[論文審定書+ii] [致謝+iii] [摘要+iv] [Abstract+v] [目錄+vii] [圖次+ix] [表次+x] [第一章、 緒論+1] [第一節、 研究動機與背景+1] [第二節、 研究目的+2] [第三節、 研究流程+2] [第二章、 文獻探討+4] [第一節、 資源基礎觀點+4] [第二節、 策略定位+5] [第三節、 品牌權益+7] [第四節、 鑽石體系+9] [第五節、 競爭優勢得來源+10] [第六節、 SWOT 分析+13] [第三章、 研究方法+16] [第一節、 研究方法+16] [第二節、 研究架構+21] [第三節、 個案選擇與訪談資料+22] [第四章、 工業用電腦產業介紹+24] [第一節、 產業概述+24] [第二節、 產業特性+24] [第三節、 個案公司簡介+27] [第四節、 個案公司品牌建構與歷程+36] [第五章、 個案企業分析+39] [第一節、 競爭環境分析+39] [第二節、 品牌策略分析+45] [第三節、 品牌經營關鍵成功因素分析+49] [第四節、 SWOT 分析+59] [第六章、 結論與建議+65] [第一節、 結論+65] [第二節、 建議+66] [第三節、 研究限制+68] [參考文獻+69] [附錄1+72] |
參考文獻 References |
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