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博碩士論文 etd-0807118-160539 詳細資訊
Title page for etd-0807118-160539
醫療跨域治理中互動結構及個體權重之研究 -以醫病共享決策為例
Interaction Structure and Individual Weights in Cross-Domain Governance for Medical Care-Example of Shared Decision Making
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Cross-Domain Governance, Shared Decision Making, Individual wight, Social Averaging Theory(SAT), Information Integration Theory(IIT)
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Taiwan has good experience in health care administration and enough human resource of medical care. In order to get better patient safety, we often use PDCA method to solve and improve the quality of medical procedures and followe new concepts of medical care all over the world. Shared decision making is a new method to get better communication between patients and medical staffs. By this way, patient and his family could have a good talk with medical staff to get a suitable choice of medical treatment. In this research, we want to know that the cognition of patient while making a medical decision. Also, we want to know the effect of intervention of SDM method, and whether it could change the cognition of patient or not.
In this study, we use the Public Affairs Management model (PAM) as the theoretical framework, and using the cross-domain governance application research framework that combines the judgment and decision-making methodology to explore individual cognition and group behavior, mainly with the shared decision making. The individual cognitive weights are based on the information integration theory (IIT) and the group interaction using the social average theorem (SAT) as the research method. In addition, this study also designed to validate the validity of quasi-experimental studies of IIT. The study invited 12 experts to conduct questionnaire interviews and completed the IIT and SAT questionnaires for 10 patients, 15 simulated subjects and 15 clinical nurses.
As the results show that most of the interviewed experts agree that SDM is a good policy, but the policy should be modified. As to the results of the IIT questionnaire, 50% of the 10 breast cancer patients interviewed in this study, the cognition of shared decision making belonged to the equal weighted average model, and SDM intervention have changed cognitive patterns of 40% patients, and up to 80% are with equal weight patterns. Breast cancer patients and subjects of mock object group have the same cognitive model. Therefore, information integration theory (IIT) experiments could be regarded as a quasi-experimental research. In this way, similar studies can be replaced with simulators to avoid inconvenience when the parties are interviewed. In the group interaction, the weight of medical personnel is relatively high, indicating that the influence of medical staff in the SDM process is greater.
In general, through the intervention of SDM, it is possible to change the individual's cognition. That is to say, the patient may change the rules of information integration after talking with the medical staff. This can also indirectly convey that SDM should have played a role.
目次 Table of Contents
論文審定書 i
致謝 ii
摘要 iii
Abstract iv
目錄 vi
圖次 ix
表次 xi
第壹章、緒論 1
第一節、研究背景與動機 1
一、醫療健保制度的改變 1
二、政府策略目標的驅策 2
三、醫病關係實質的變化 2
四、醫療爭議風險的威脅 4
五、無效醫療耗用的省思 5
第二節、研究課題與目的 6
一、了解醫病共享決策推動的情況與反應 6
二、關注個體的本質認知與群體的互動結構 6
三、評估醫療決策共享模式的成效 7
第三節、研究利基 7
第四節、研究流程 8
第五節、研究架構 9
第貳章、文獻探討 11
第一節、台灣醫療治理問題梳理 11
一、載體條件之客觀存量 11
二、個體認知之主觀流量 12
三、群體行為之客觀流量 13
第二節、社會發展階段下醫病模式 15
一、傳統階段的威權模式 16
二、現代階段的尊重選擇 16
三、後現代階段的決策共享 18
第三節、醫病共享決策 18
一、醫病共享決策的內涵架構 19
二、醫病共享決策與實證醫學 20
三、醫病共享決策與健康識能 21
四、多方當事人觀點的醫病共享決策 22
第四節、判斷分析理論及方法 24
一、資訊整合理論 24
二、社會平均定理與互動結構及社會權重 27
第五節、判斷決策觀點的治理架構 30
一、判斷決策之區塊解析與操作步驟 30
二、以醫病共享決策課題案例應用 31
第參章、研究設計 37
第一節、專業知識之專家訪談(事實判斷) 37
第二節、個體認知之判斷理論(價值判斷) 40
一、完成IIT實驗設計 42
二、建立IIT實驗程序 44
第三節、群體互動之社會平均定理(人際判斷) 47
第肆章、研究結果 51
第一節 專家知識之半結構訪談(事實判斷) 51
第二節 醫病共享方案之個體認知(價值判斷) 73
第三節 醫病共享方案之群體決策(人際判斷) 93
第陸章、結論與建議 119
第一節 專家知識之半結構訪談(事實判斷) 119
第二節 個體認知研究的建議 120
第三節 群體決策後的認知變化 121
參考文獻 123
英文文獻 123
中文文獻 124
附錄一 IIT實驗操作問卷 127
附錄二 SAT實驗操作問卷 133
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